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Categoria: News

Maxi-blitz NasMaxi-blitz dei Nas

seized 800 tons of food In the focus of controls in particular products: fish, dairy, meat, bakery and cereals, soft drinks and beverages Rome, July 26, 2014 – Maxi-blitz which Nas police, in accordance with the general direction of the Ministry of Health, gave rise, in recent days, unavasta action of monitoring food to protect…
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As will be touring in 2020?Come sarà il turismo nel 2020?

As we travel in 2020? We’ll be at the airport identified by reading the iris, or even airplanes will be replaced by teleportation? We talked to the experts to find out how they will travel in the future. modern explorers In the year 2020 we will see tourists reach the most remote destinations. “People are…
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Poisonous mushrooms in “Ready Steady Cook”Funghi velenosi a “La prova del cuoco”

In the program Rai Antonella Clerici were presented as morel mushrooms as edible Poisonous mushrooms cooked live on TV: it happened last May 22, in an episode of the popular show Ready Steady Cook. One of the competing chefs brought mushrooms study presented as a “morel” (common name of species of the genus Morchella). Instead…
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Pesticides, fertilizers for organic farmingPesticidi nei fertilizzanti per agricoltura bio

seized 65 tons. Behind the scenes of a story that began a year ago and the fundamental role of associations of organic The Guardia di Finanza seized 65 tons of fertilizer for organic farming containing “godmother” (an alkaloid extracted from the root of Sophora flavescens, plant widespread in Asia and Oceania bought abroad), disguised as…
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War against counterfeitingGuerra contro la contraffazione

War against counterfeiting, Venice is the “crime scene” A poster will be in areas of the city most affected by the scourge of abuse. Fines for anyone caught two hundred Euros to buy Posters against counterfeiting and illegal vendors in Venice ” The fight against counterfeiting also goes for the culture of legality. For this…
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Withdrawn from the shelves cottage cheese SterilgardaRitirata dagli scaffali ricotta Sterilgarda

Withdrawn from the shelves cottage cheese Sterilgarda: European alert is triggered, but the product is not there, it is already expired. Reflections on a system is not always so efficient The news is one that leaves no one indifferent: Sterilgarda withdraws from the market and recall packs of fresh ricotta for the presence of Bacillus…
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Products rejected anti-cholesterolProdotti anticolesterolo bocciati

Anti-cholesterol foods rejected by ‘French Agency for Health Security Available data do not allow us to consider the anti-cholesterol products (margarine and yogurt rich in phytosterols and stanols), an appropriate means of prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Indeed, these products are not recommended for pregnant or lactating women, and children. If on the one hand reduce…
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Prodotti ritirati dal mercato

Listeria in salmone affumicato e mercurio in pesce spada… Ritirati dal mercato europeo 56 prodotti Nella settimana n°28 del 2014 le segnalazioni diffuse dal Sistema rapido di allerta europeo per alimenti e mangimi sono state 56 (6 quelle inviate dal Ministero della salute italiano). L’elenco comprende sei allerta: mercurio in tranci di pesce spada congelato dalla Spagna; Listeria…
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Deposito con 50 mila falsi

Deposito con 50 mila falsi, scoperta la “China town” catanese La Guardia di Finanza ha sequestrato gli articoli taroccati all’interno di un capannone di 2 mila metri quadrati nell’area industriale di Catania. Denunciati i tre gestori cinesi Un magazzino pieno di articoli con marchi contraffatti è stato scoperto a Catania dalla Guardia di fiananza che…
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Metalli pesanti – pericolosi a contatto con gli alimenti

Metalli pesanti, Bisfenolo A e altre sostanze pericolose a contatto con gli alimenti. Perché le regole in Europa cambiano da paese a paese? Pubblicato da Luca Foltran il 11 luglio 2014 Come già trattato in un articolo pubblicato un anno fa, la questione Bisfenolo A (BPA) rappresenta uno dei problemi più evidenti di frazionamento legale europeo, a discapito dell’uniformità che…
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