Nella settimana n°49 del 2014 le segnalazioni diffuse dal Sistema rapido di allerta europeo per alimenti e mangimi sono state 85 (16 quelle inviate dal Ministero della salute italiano). L’elenco dei prodotti distribuiti in Italia oggetto di allerta comprende due casi: Salmonella spp. ed Escherichia coli in vongole vive italiane (distribuite anche in Spagna); sostanza…
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Alcune pappe per bambini della Holle (società svizzera specializzata nella produzione di omogeneizzati e cibo per i più piccoli) , sono stati ritirate dal mercato tedesco e subito dopo anche in Svizzera e in Italia a causa del ritrovamento in due campioni di alcaloidi. Gli alcaloidi sono sostanze naturalmente presenti nella piante, che vengono prodotte…
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I sapori della cucina molisana, le sue prelibatezze, i territori in cui le stesse sono prodotte e gli eventi dediti alla valorizzazione del ‘Wine- Travel- Food’ sono stati racchiusi, in pillole, nella rivista del Gambero Rosso ‘Sua Eccellenza Italia’.Nel numero 6 dell’autorevole rivista delle eccellenze enogastronomiche del Bel Paese, infatti, ha trovato spazio, anche la…
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Carrefour e Ipercoop hanno ritirato dagli scaffali i vasetti di vetro di “Tartufi neri allo Strega” dell’azienda Strega Alberti Benevento S.p.A., nella confezione da 200 grammi, lotto 441 e termine minimo di conservazione (TMC) al 30/10/15. Il richiamo del vasetto, che per legge deve essere affiancato dall’esposizione di cartelli nei punti vendita per avvisare i…
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Barilla and Ferrero within the Italian group of major users of palm oil and some time on their sites describe the qualities of this fat, whose presence on labels for years has been cleverly concealed behind the phrase “vegetable oils”. From 13 December a European law requires it to indicate clearly the presence of the…
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In the week No. 47 of 2014 reports released by the European Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed were 79 (14 those sent by the Italian Ministry of Health). The list of products distributed in Italy object alert includes two cases: Salmonella Hadar in frozen chicken, ready to cook, from France; norovirus (presence of…
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In the week No. 46 of 2014 reports released by the European rapid alert system for food and feed were 63 (16 those sent by the Italian Ministry of Health). The list of products being distributed in Italy alert includes two cases: histamine in canned mackerel in tomato sauce Bulgaria; mercury in swordfish frozen from…
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Although the nutrition labels of foods are recommended dall’Affordable Care Act, shall be borne by the health care reform Obama in the United States, English United Kingdom’s Responsibility Deal by many health agencies should decide whether and how much is actually useful. On the first question, in recent years many researchers have given contradictory answers…
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Eating `benzina’ give to our body, but also nourish the cancer cells. As well as the good cells, in fact, also the bad feature `antenne’ which have the function of capturing hormones and nutrients. It ‘s about these `interruttori’, able to turn on or off the expression of genes in the DNA, a series of…
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Pizza oven without using frozen pizzas. Fish farming paid as if it were caught in the sea, but the consumer does not know! In Venice and other cities there are restaurants that serve customers without cook pasta, lasagna and meat dishes and fish bought in the frozen food section hypermarket. When it comes to cooking…
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